
To organize and focus our efforts for minimizing work-related hazards,to be in close compliance with health and safety standards of the industry, to promote the health of employees in the workplace and a comfortable working environment,to protect mother nature, Mantra has its own policies in the areas like Corporate Health and Safety, Quality Assurance & Environment. Our policies are explained in detail.

Corporate Health and Safety Policy Statement
  • Adhere to the health and safety standards of the industry
  • Control and prevent health and safety risks at workplace
  • Educate and create awareness in employees' on matters related to their health and safety
  • Provide tools and techniques for the safe usage, handling and operations of plant, equipment and materials
  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions
  • Instruct, record, and audit supervision related to health and safety management of employees
  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
  • Engage in consistent improvements in HSE policies of the organization
Corporate Quality Assurance and Control Policy Statement
With a commitment to continual improvement, we will design, manufacture and deliver products which consistently meet or exceed customer requirements. In addition to our goal of producing defect-free products, our testing and calibration laboratories are committed to sound professional practices to produce quality results for their customers.
Environmental Policy Statement
  • Reduce environmental impacts and pollution by best practically possibly means
  • Strive to have an ambiance inside and outside organizational premises, promoting mother nature
  • Strict prohibition of smoking in office premises
  • Monitor and report environmental violations
  • Promote use of biodegradable products
Download Our Policy Statements Here