Designed, engineered, supplied, installed, and commissioned 3,000+ Analyzer Systems globally to various industries like refineries, petrochemical, chemical,fertilizer power and cement plants in India. Such projects involve, taking a turnkey responsibility for Application data review, Engineering, Construction,Integration and Installation in Analyzer House.
Process Analytics Product Solutions
Stack & Heater Analyzers
Process Analyzers including Mass Spectrometer
Physical Property Analyzers / Blending Packages
Gas Chromatographs
Photometric Analyzers
Dust Concentration and Opacity Analyzers
Analyzer Management System
Steam & Water Analysis System Package
Integrated Analyzer package system with Shelter
HVAC, Split and Window Air Conditioning units for installation in hazardous and non-hazardous areas
Specialized Analytical solutions for FCCU, SRU, HDPE, CRACKER, VCM, MEG PP, Butadiene, H2, NH3, DRI plants based on Licensor philosophy.